2024.09.23 - AT-HOME Training This Week

AT-HOME Programming for week starting September 23rd, 2024

Hi all,

Happy Autumn! We’re starting a new strength cycle this week - focusing on laying a strong “Foundation.” You’ll see core bracing, stabilization, and Range of Motion building as prominent features over the next six weeks. We already talk about them a lot, but you’ll see them featured even more as we kickoff a new season with this new strength program.

A Quick Note:

Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment.

Assumptions on equipment available at home includes:

- A couple sets of DBs

- A plyo box to step up onto

- A Jump Rope


Let’s get into it.

Day 1 

Week 1 of 6 of the “Foundation” strength cycle!

  • Warm-up - complete 4 rounds of…

  • Strength:

    • In 21 minutes, 7 rounds of…

    • Off time - Accumulate :30 in a Forearm Plank

    • Intended Stimulus - Build up in weight throughout on the Front Squats. Corkscrew the feet into the ground to activate the glutes on the squats. Push that depth as much as you can while keeping the legs activated! Brace the core by inhaling into the diaphragm and holding that brace throughout the bottom of the squat. On the plank hold, you do NOT have to hold the plank for 30 seconds straight. Instead, take breaks throughout if you need and accumulate 30 seconds with as many breaks throughout as you need.

    • Log heaviest weight used on the Double DB Front Squats.

  • MetCon

    • EMOM16 (Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes)

    • Intended Stimulus - Choose weights on the Overhead Static Hold (and variations on the other movements) that will keep you in the game and not “behind the clock” - meaning that you should finish each movement within 35-40 seconds of the minute, allowing you to have 20ish seconds rest before the next minute starts.

    • Log whether you completed the full 16 minutes or not, marking a “checkmark” if completed. Denote weights used and variations chosen in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 2

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Strength:

    • In 12 minutes, complete 6 rounds of

    • Intended Stimulus - Build in weight throughout, working to a point where the last few reps of each set are a MAJOR challenge. Make sure you are fully locking out in the overhead position, biceps next to ears, weight over the crown of your head, legs and core squeezed, showing control.

    • Log the weights of the heaviest set of DBs used for a complete, unbroken 6 reps. Note any imbalances between one arm and the other in the notes.

  • Capacity

    • In remaining time, for quality (shoot for 4+ rounds)

    • Intended Stimulus - Take your time on the movements that are a prescribed amount of reps. On the Farmer’s Carry, prioritize lats engaged (shoulders back) and torso upright (looking ahead helps with this). If you are able to meet this criteria, then ascend in weights to where it is quite a challenge to hold on the to DBs for the whole 30 seconds. GRIP should be lit up today!

    • Log total rounds and reps completed, note weights used and movement variations in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • T-spine smash with lax ball - 2 min. per side

    • Chest Opener (on a foam roller or yoga blocks if available) - 4 min.

Day 3

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Day 4

Day 5

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Capacity

    • In 23 minutes, complete 5 rounds of…

    • Intended Stimulus - As you hold on to the DB in the goblet position, pick a weight where you can still fight to keep the torso proud (not allowing your shoulders and torso to cave forward). Choose a challenging variation of the Wall Sit today, and embrace the leg wobbles! Adding weight in the Wall Sit will further enhance the core stabilization aspect we are shooting for this strength cycle. 4.5 minutes per round.

    • Log whether you completed the full 4 rounds or not, marking a “checkmark” if completed. Denote weights used and variations chosen in the notes.

  • MetCon

    • 5RFT (Five Rounds For Time) - 9 minute cap

    • Intended Stimulus - Quality first, always! On the Push Press, make sure you are fully locking out in the overhead position, biceps next to ears, weight over the crown of your head, legs and core squeezed, showing control. Push Press should be at a medium weight - meaning where you need to break up the 12 reps into two sets. If you go unbroken for all 5 rounds on the Push Press, you went too light!

    • Log time it took to complete the five rounds, adding weights used and variations in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Couch Stretch - 3 min.

    • Trap Smash with lax ball - 2 min. per side

Day 6

  • Warm-up - complete 3 rounds of…

  • Long Workout Day!

    • “Cooper” - 10RFT (10 Rounds for Time) - 30 minute cap

    • Intended Stimulus - Find a moderate pace and keep chipping away! Four seconds per rep will put you at under 27 minutes for the workout. If you find during the first few minutes of the workout that four seconds per rep is not doable at your current variations, switch variations AND/OR bump down the rep scheme to “8s” instead of “10s.”

    • Log time it took to complete the ten rounds, adding variations in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Massage Gun Pecs - 2 min. per side

    • Massage Gun Glutes - 2 min. per side

Day 7

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Legal stuff:

Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts


or to participate.