2024.10.14 - AT-HOME Training This Week

AT-HOME Programming for week starting October 14th, 2024

Hi all,

Welcome to Week 2 of October, and Week 4 of the “Foundation” cycle.

A Quick Note:

Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment.

Assumptions on equipment available at home includes:

- A couple sets of DBs

- A plyo box to step up onto

- A Jump Rope


Let’s get into it.

Day 1 

Week 4 of 6 of the “Foundation” strength cycle!

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - complete 3 rounds of…

  • Capacity:

    • In 20 minutes, complete 5 rounds of the following movements…

    • Intended Stimulus - Slow it down on the tempo portions of the movements. The faster you go through the Split Squats and Bent Over Rows, the less you will get out of it. Everyday, but especially on Capacity days, we are investing for the long term. Taking your time on the movements will help build stability and muscle memory at the full range of motion - which carries over into other parts of movement in our lives. If you can’t physically move the weight while counting in your head “one-onethousand, two-onethousand, three-onethousand” then you went too heavy and you should back off on the weight. Play the long game!

    • Log a checkmark if you completed all five rounds of the capacity work, adding heaviest weights used for all three movements in the notes. Don’t add the weights in the notes if you did not honor the tempo when using those weights.

  • MetCon

    • For Time - capped at 10 minutes:

    • Intended Stimulus - The Push Press should be beautiful and perfect, even on the last rep! This means proud torso, eyes up the whole time, slight dip at the knees, and FULL LOCKOUT OVERHEAD WITH A SPLIT SECOND PAUSE BEFORE RETURNING TO THE BOTTOM. This is hard to do when a workout is “for time” - but remember, quality over speed, always. Also on the Push Press, there is no required count of reps in each set per arm before switching arms. One suggestion would be to switch every 9 reps, so each arm puts in decent work before transitioning, but still gets a small break. Another suggestion is to start on your weak side so you get to finish on your strong side.

    • Log time it took to complete all 90 reps, adding weight and variations of burpees in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • T-spine Smash with Lax ball - 2 min. per side

    • Foam Roll Quads - 2 min. per side

Day 2

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Strength:

    • In 18 minutes, complete 6 rounds of Double DB Seated Strict Press, in the following rep scheme:

      • 9-8-7-6-5-4

    • Off-time - Inverted Plank Hold (<:20 / :30 / :40+)

    • Intended Stimulus - For the Seated Strict Press, see if you can ascend in weight on the DBs once or twice during this workout as the reps get more approachable. Also on the Seated Strict Press, if your hips are really tight or you cannot hold both feet out and keep the torso upright, play around with these variations. On the Inverted Plank Hold, bridge the hips to make a straight line from knees to shoulders where the hips are at the same height. Play around with the angle of your hands (fingers pointing forward, to the side, and behind you) to find the most comfortable position for your wrists.

    • Log the weight used for the round of 4 Seated Strict Press, adding Inverted Plank Hold time in the notes.

  • Accessory

    • In 16 Minutes, complete 4 rounds of…

    • Intended Stimulus - Challenge yourself with a tougher variation to start on the push-ups (for example, start on your toes before moving to on your knees). Also on the push-ups, try a tougher implement that you are placing your hand - requiring more stability (e.g., sub the DB for an Orb / softball / foam roller / etc.). On the Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (SLRDLs), check to make sure your back heel rises at the same rate that your shoulders descends forward, which will maintain a straight line from shoulder to heel.

    • Log a “checkmark” if you completed all 4 rounds, adding variations in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Hamstring Roll Out on Foam Roller - 2 min. per side

    • Lumbar spine smash with lax ball - 2 min. per side

Day 3

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Day 4

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Additional Warm-up:

    • Take 3 minutes to build into your first working weight of Double DB Suitcase Deadlifts.

  • Strength:

    • In 15 Minutes, complete 5 rounds of Double DB Suitcase Deadlifts in the following rep scheme:

      • 20-16-12-8-4

    • Off-time - 8 Single DB Pull Throughs (4 per side)

    • Intended Stimulus - Ascend in weight throughout on both movements. All rounds should be unbroken, so pick a doable weight for the first two rounds, then start to challenge the DB weight even more after that for the Deadlifts. Always approach a deadlift with the mentality that your legs are doing the work. Engage your lats (packing shoulder blades in place) so your spine stays neutral and safe. Add a generous bend in the knees at the bottom of the rep. Every time you pick up or set down the weight from a standing position - lats are engaged and knees are bent at the bottom. If you can maintain these points of performance, go get that heavy set of four!

    • Log weight used for unbroken set of 4 Deadlifts.

  • MetCon:

    • 3 Sections of AMRAP6, 2:00 Rest in between (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 6 Minutes)

    • Intended Stimulus - As the Shoulder-to-Overhead movement gets less intense, the Squat movement gets more intense. Come in with the mindset that you should be doing work for as much of the 6 minute round as you can, and to meet that goal you’ll need to pick a doable weight. If you’re on the fence about which weight to pick, choose the lighter of the two options you have in your mind! High volume strict press will wear you out fast - so when you hedge lighter you’ll thank yourself later. Shoot for 3+ rounds on the first AMRAP, 4+ rounds on the second AMRAP, and 5+ rounds on the third AMRAP.

    • Log rounds and reps completed in each of the three AMRAPs as three separate entries, adding variations and weights used in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 5

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Capacity:

    • In 24 minutes, as many quality rounds as possible (shoot for 6+), of…

    • Intended Stimulus - Show control at the top and bottom of every single rep of every movement. Adding that split second pause at the end of the range of motion helps hammer home the muscle memory of us using our full mobility to do work. Challenge the movements and scale back on the intensity / choose a less taxing variation only once you can no longer do the more challenging variation.

    • Log a “checkmark” if you completed 6 rounds, adding variations and weights used in notes.

  • Recovery

Day 6

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Long Workout Day!

    • For Time, capped at 31 Minutes

    • Intended Stimulus - The workout starts AND ends with a run. Push the first run hard, but not to the brink. Leave some in the tank for later. In between the two runs there are ten rounds of a few movements. Pace the Ten Rounds in a smooth, steady fashion. The Burpee volume isn’t extreme today, so see how many rounds you can do in a more challenging version on the burpees before needing to modify them. Use the Air Squats as an active recovery - prioritize technique and extending both the knees AND hips all the way at the top, while breaking parallel at the bottom. A rate of one round every 90 seconds will likely get you in under the cap. More advanced athletes should choose the Jumping Lunges for an extra heart rate challenge during the middle section.

    • Log the time it took to complete the workout, adding variations chosen in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Pigeon Stretch (unassisted or assisted) - 2 min. per side

    • Roll out bottom of the foot with lax ball - 3 min. per side.

Day 7

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Legal stuff:

Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts


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