2024.11.04 - AT-HOME Training This Week

AT-HOME Programming for week starting November 4th, 2024

Hi all,

We’re jumping into a new training cycle this week. This is going to be an 8-week endurance cycle, ending right before New Year’s Eve. This cycle will prioritize slightly longer workouts, with more than one “Long Workout Day” per week.

We will take the week of New Year’s Eve as a deload week (less intensity and more recovery in that week’s workouts) before kicking off the new year!

A Quick Note:

Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment.

Assumptions on equipment available at home includes:

- A couple sets of DBs

- A plyo box to step up onto

- A Jump Rope


Let’s get into it.

Day 1 

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - complete 4-5 rounds of…

  • Long Workout:

    • In 30 minutes, complete 10 rounds of 2:00 on / 1:00 rest.

    • Intended Stimulus - Slow and steady! This one may look easy on its face, however this is truly a tortoise versus the hare situation. Come out conservative, find a rep count that works for you (maybe that’s 20 squats per round, or 25, or whatever), and then hold that pace for all 10 rounds! Minute breaks throughout let you put the weight down and shake out the legs before getting back into it. Goal is to complete at least 200 reps.

    • Log total squats completed in the 30 minutes, adding weights used in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Foam Roll Glutes - 2 min. per side

    • Foam Roll Quads - 2 min. per side

Day 2

Day 3

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Day 4

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Strength:

    • In 18 Minutes, complete 6 rounds of

    • Off-time - :30 Forearm Plank Hold

    • Intended Stimulus - Slow and controlled through the full range of motion is the intent on the Bulgarian Split Squats. Let the burn happen. Make sure at the bottom of the rep, the knee of your planted leg is only an inch or two in front of your toes (not like 6+ inches). Also, aim to lightly graze your back knee on the ground at the bottom of the rep. Fully lock out the planted leg’s knee at the top of the rep.

    • Log the weight used for the heaviest set of 8 Unbroken Double DB Suitcase Bulgarian Split Squats (4 per leg) .

  • MetCon:

    • AMRAP8 (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 8 Minutes):

    • IMPORTANT - Every round, increase the movement count by 1s on the Renegade Rows + Push-up and 2s on the Single DB Hang Power Snatch. So on the first round, you’ll do one Renegade Row Left + Right and one Push-up, then 2 Single DB Hang Power Snatches (one per arm). The next round, you’ll do a Renegade Row Left + Right and a Push-up and then another Renegade Row Left + Right and another Push-up (do the whole thing twice), then 4 Single DB Hang Power Snatches (two per arm), etc.. Keep ascending until the clock hits 8 minutes.

    • Intended Stimulus - Approach this one as a quick burner. Made to hurt, come out at a moderately fast pace to start and every subsequent round try and speed up your reps. Spread your feet past shoulder width apart in the plank position when doing the Renegade Rows, as it will help you keep square to the ground. Also, keep the DB close to your body on the Single DB Hang Snatches.

    • Log total rounds and reps completed, adding weights used in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 5

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - complete 3-4 rounds…

  • Strength:

    • In 16 minutes, complete 8 rounds of the following movements in the following rep schemes:

    • Intended Stimulus - Ascend in weight throughout if you feel safe and comfortable doing so. Control throughout with glutes and quads engaged, abs “on” helps keep the ribcage stacked (not flaring out). Top of each rep includes DBs above crown of your head, thumb pointing behind you, bicep next to ear. One round every two minutes, so use any remaining time in that two minute span to warm up your deadlift weights for the MetCon below.

    • Log the weights used for the heaviest set of 4 Unbroken Double DB Strict Press and the heaviest set of 4 Unbroken Double DB Push Press.

  • MetCon

    • For time, capped at 16 minutes

    • Intended Stimulus - Go heavy enough on the Deadlifts where you need to split up the first two rounds. Lats engaged (neutral spine) and knees driving out on the deadlifts. You have 16 minutes to do 160 reps, which comes out to 10 reps per minute.

    • Log the time it took to complete the workout, adding weights in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 6

Day 7

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Legal stuff:

Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts


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