2024.11.18 - AT-HOME Training This Week

AT-HOME Programming for week starting November 18th, 2024

Hi all,

Welcome to Week 3 of 8 of our “Longer Workouts” cycle.

Also for those of you who might not have seen yet, I started an Instagram page a little over a month ago. It doesn’t get nearly as in depth as these emails with the programming, but it does give you a quick hit of every day’s workout - both IN-GYM and AT-HOME variations. Check it out here.

A Quick Note:

Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment.

Assumptions on equipment available at home includes:

- A couple sets of DBs

- A plyo box to step up onto

- A Jump Rope


Let’s get into it.

Day 1 

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - complete 4 rounds of…

  • Strength:

    • In 15 Minutes, complete 5 rounds of…

    • Intended Stimulus - Try and go back-to-back as quickly as possible between the Bench Press and the Push-ups, and THEN rest for a decent amount of time. The goal today is to truly fatigue the chest before recovering slightly. On the Bench and the Push-ups - keep the elbows close to the torso (30-degrees angle or less between the side of the body and the upper arm). Make contact at the bottom of the rep for both (DB touches chest / chest touches ground). Exhale as you press out of the bottom of the rep, showing control at the top of the rep with locked elbows and a split-second pause.

    • Log heaviest weight successfully lifted on BOTH sides for the Bench Press, adding variation of the push-ups in the notes. Note any imbalances between one side and the other in the notes as well.

  • MetCon:

    • AMRAP18 (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18 Minutes)

    • Intended Stimulus - Legs on this MetCon to even out after all the pressing in the Strength section above! Do all Thrusters on one arm before switching to the other arm. The box height you pick today should be slightly higher than you are used to. Aim to drive off of that lead (stepping) foot to push the world away from you as you ascend up that box height. Lead foot does as much work as it can for as long as you can in this workout. Shoot for 6+ rounds.

    • Log total rounds and reps completed, adding variations and weights used in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 2

Day 3

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Day 4

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Conditioning:

    • In Ten minutes, for FIVE Rounds, complete AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) Jump Rope (Regular Jumps or Double Unders are both OK)

      • :45 work / :75 rest

    • Intended Stimulus - Aim for the reps in your first round to be the same number you hit consistently for the next four rounds. All five rounds’ reps should be as close as possible. Ride the line but don’t elevate the heart rate too far too early! Have fun on this one!

    • Log total reps completed, adding in the notes the amount of reps you got on your lowest round and your highest round. Also add in the notes the variation you chose (Single Unders aka normal Jumps or Double Unders).

  • Strength:

    • In 20 Minutes, complete 5 rounds of…

    • Intended Stimulus - By round Five you should still feel confident that you can perform the Deadlifts + Cleans safely. You are free to use separate weights for the Bent Over Rows. By the last round of the rows, you should feel slightly nervous that the DB weights are a little much and you might not be able to go unbroken. Ascend in weight throughout on both movements, aiming to keep the sets UNBROKEN. Make sure your back is neutral with lats engaged on all of these movements (no curved upper back).

    • Log weights used on the heaviest set of a successfully UNBROKEN complex. Separately, log the weights used on the heaviest set of successfully UNBROKEN Bent Over Rows.

  • Recovery

Day 5

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - complete 4-5 rounds…

  • MetCon:

    • 4RFT (4 Rounds For Time) - capped at 24 minutes:

    • Intended Stimulus - Pick a weight and height that you feel confident you could theoretically do 20 reps of the DB movements in two sets or less for that first round. You don’t necessarily HAVE TO do only two sets per DB movement for the first round, in fact I recommend you don’t. If you budgeted :90 per movement for all except the Plank hold, you’d finish in about 20 minutes.

    • Log total time it took to complete the entire workout, adding weights and variations chosen in the notes.

  • Accessory

    • For quality, shoot for 4+ rounds

      • 3 Unbroken Turkish Get-ups (TGU) (3 per side) (Half TGU and Full TGU are both OK)

    • Intended Stimulus - Ascend in weight throughout if you feel comfortable doing so. 3 TGU per side unbroken is a fair amount of volume. Prioritize unbroken at slightly lighter weights over having to break them up at heavier weights.

    • Log weight used for your last successful UNBROKEN set of three per side. Note any imbalances between one side and the other in the notes as well.

  • Recovery

    • Massage Gun Quads - 2 min. per side

    • Pigeon Stretch (assisted or unassisted) - 2 min. per side

Day 6

  • Mobility

  • Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Long Workout Day!

    • 5RFT (5 Rounds For Time) - capped at 37 minutes:

    • Intended Stimulus - Control the heart rate early and know where your “high heart rate” line is, so you can stop BEFORE you hit it. The Single DB Hang Snatches can be broken up between arms however you choose. I prefer to start on my weaker side so I can finish on my stronger side. The 5 burpees are meant to be more annoying than anything, a speed bump that you need to mentally get over before starting that next round. I recommend you budget 2.5 minutes per movement on the first two, and :60 per movement on the second two. MENTAL TOUGHNESS - YOU GOT THIS.

    • * SPECIAL NOTE - If you’d like to split this one up and do it with a partner, multiply the reps by 1.5 on the first two movements. Only one person can be working at a given time on those two movements. Both partners should work in synchro on the Farmer’s Carry and the Burpees, but keep those movements at 50’ and 5 reps (don’t change the volume on those second two movements).

    • Log total time it took to complete the entire workout, adding weights and variations chosen in the notes.

  • Recovery

Day 7

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Legal stuff:

Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts


or to participate.