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- 2024.07.08 - AT-HOME Training This Week
2024.07.08 - AT-HOME Training This Week
AT-HOME Programming for week starting July 8th, 2024
Hi all, happy Sunday.
Here’s the At-Home program for the second week of July!
A Quick Note: Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment. Assumptions on equipment available at home includes: - A couple sets of DBs - A plyo box to step up onto - A Jump Rope Thanks! |
Let’s get into it.
Day 1
Squat Cycle - Week 2 of 6!
Warm-up - 6 minutes
:30 Jump Rope
:30 Body-weight movement
Pistol Squat Progression
10 reps of Narrow-stance Air Squats
5 reps of Plyo Box negatives w/ kick-off ground (5 per leg)
5 reps of Plyo Box negatives w/o touching ground (5 per leg)
5 reps of Plyo Box single leg squats w/ leg sweep (5 per leg)
15 minutes - 6 rounds
Single DB Goblet Bulgarian Split Squats (SS)
Hold Single DB in Goblet position. Keep adding one rep per round, can also up the weight if appropriate.
Round 1: 4 Bulgarian SS per leg
Round 2: 5 Bulgarian SS per leg
Intended stimulus - start at a weight that allows you to reach your own full range of motion easily without breaking up the first three Rounds. As you add rounds, hold on to unbroken sets as long as you can. Last set (which is 9 per leg), moving that weight unbroken should be a stretch goal, not required. Knee tracks over pinky toe in planted foot. Chest proud, avoid the forward lean.
40-52 -
Bear Complex: 20 min. cap
5 sets of 7 straight (unbroken) reps (35 reps).
One rep is:
Dbl DB Power Clean +
Dbl DB Push Press +
Dbl DB Push Press
Intended stimulus - Legs and arms should feel like lead by the end, this will be a grip intensive workout as well. Don’t start each set until you’re confident you’ll be able to get through at least most of 7 reps unbroken. Pick a weight where you feel very confident doing many Dbl DB FS.
Prop tips: use chalk to hold on to those DBs, rest the DBs on your shoulders during squats, and use those legs on thepush press!
Trap smash with lax ball, 3 min per side
Day 2
Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
6 Band / Dowel / PVC Pass-thrus
6 DB Weighted Good Mornings (hold DB at chest)
6 Forward Lunge with Stretch to (3 per side)
Single DB Snatch Complex:
Single DB Deadlift,
Single DB Deadlift + High Pull,
Single DB Power Snatch,
Single DB Squat Snatch
Do the complex once per side to count as one round
Log your heaviest weight moved for all 4 unbroken per side.
Off-time (Between Sets):
Plyo Box dips - 6 OR 8 OR 10 depending on intensity desired for the day
UNTIMED - going for heaviest set of each performed in the next 15 minutes
Heavy set of 10 Single DB Weighted Box Step-ups
Set of 10 narrow push-ups (from toes if possible)
Heavy round of :40 seconds UNBROKEN Dbl DB Farmer’s carry
Score is your TOTAL weight for round of both DB movements (e.g., DB weight left hand in carry PLUS DB weight right hand in carry PLUS DB weight in step-ups).
Log weight used for each exercise, box height, and push-up variation in notes.
Intended stimulus - Grunt work day. Finish out STRONG before the rest day. Sell out on that last round, going for weights and push-up variations that challenge you for each but do not degrade form.
Prop-tip: rest the DB against your forearm during the farmers carry, use chalk, and hook grip if you can.
Day 3
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Day 4
Dynamic Mobility
Banded lat stretch, :20 per side
8 Banded high pulls - wider stance & thick band!
Warm-up - 2 rounds
400m run
8 Box Jumps
8 Light Dbl DB Strict Press
8 Unweighted Cossack Squats (4 per side)
Dbl DB Squat Cleans
First 6 minutes - warm-up into working weight
6 UNBROKEN Dbl DB Squat Cleans
Intended stimulus - Glutes should be blown up by the end of the sixth rep. You should be able to get through the first couple of rounds no problem, but start to struggle as the clock progresses toward the tail end of the EMOM.
Pro tips: Keep core engaged by flexing abs and filling belly with air for the catch at the bottom. Elbows high to get out of the hole, exhale on ascent.
Off-time (Between sets):
Max set of Butterfly No-arm Sit-ups before arms come off the chest.
Make less intense by working into a set of 15 straight leg, straight arm sit-ups
400m run
9 Dbl DB Push Press
6 Renegade Rows + Push-up (Push-up + DB Row Right Hand + DB Row Left Hand)
:30 seconds rest
Intended Stimulus - keep moving the entire time, little rest built in just to keep your runs slightly fresh. All push presses and DB Rows should be unbroken. Move to knees on the push-ups and using your arms on the sit-ups if necessary.
Pro tips: Do not red line in first 10 minutes, start conservative and build in speed throughout! Cycle the push presses. Run is likely where you’ll pull away from others the most.
Roll out bottom of foot on lax ball - 3 min per foot
Day 5
Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
4 Single KB Windmills (per side)
8 Single KB Goblet Squats
8 Single KB Russian Swings
4 Lateral Half Burpees over KB
Tabata x2:
4 minutes: Half-kneeling Strict Press, switch arms each :20 interval
4 minutes: Leg Lifts - hold a weight overhead (directly above your shoulders when lying down) for extra intensity
Intended Stimulus - Strict press are just as crisp on Round 8 as Round 1. Slow, tempo is preferred. Do not rush, the tabata timer is just to add some structure to the work. For the leg lifts, try and keep those heels hovering for the full :20. Lower abs should be burning after!
Modified “Hall”
5RFT, 20 min. cap:
4 Single DB Cleans (2 per arm)
20 Single DB Snatches (10 per arm) (<25 / 35 / 50+)
2:00 rest
Intended Stimulus - this is a hard effort followed by recovery workout. DB Snatches should be unbroken or one break in at least first three rounds.
Pro tip: Go out slightly conservative but still FAST and hold on during the working portion of each round. There’s always a rest portion coming.
T-spine smash with lax ball - 3 min per side
Day 6
Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
200m run
6 Dbl DB Bent Over Rows / Ring Rows
Longer Workout!
8 Dbl DB Cleans
10 Dbl DB Devil’s Press
Rest :60 seconds
Intended Stimulus - Choose a challenging but doable weight for all. Break-up the reps however you want - but a good goal is to shoot for the first few rounds going as close to unbroken as possible on the weighted movements.
Pro tips: Go very conservative on the pace at the start - 30 minutes is a long time! Do 7 cleans, set the DBs down, and after your eighth clean you can jump right into the front squats
Recovery -
Pigeon Stretch - 3 min. per side
Legs up the wall - 5 min. total
Day 7
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Acronym List:
DB = Dumbell
DL = Deadlift
EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute
FS = Front Squat
GM = Good Morning
KB = Kettlebell
MetCon = Metabolic Conditioning
PVC = polyvinyl chloride - mobility tool (white plastic plumbing pipe)
QOTD = Question of the Day
RDL = Romanian Deadlift
RFT = Rounds for Time
SDL = Sumo Deadlift
SDLHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
SS = Split Squats
SWGDL = Snatch Width Grip Deadlift
WB = Wall Ball
YGIG - You Go I Go (only one person working at a time)
Legal stuff:
Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts