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- 2024.07.08 - Training This Week
2024.07.08 - Training This Week
Programming for week starting July 8th, 2024
Hi all, happy Sunday. I hope you had a good Fourth of July weekend!
Disclaimer: Folks from my Barbell classes - Monday programming for Barbell corresponds to “Day 1” and Wednesday programming for Barbell corresponds to “Day 4.”
All other Days reflect my own personal training schedule, and do not reflect any gym’s or facility’s workouts - past or present.
Please do not expect to see these workouts (Except for “Day 1” and “Day 4”) in a gym or facility unless you and I have coordinated specifically to run through these workouts together.
Let’s get into it.
Day 1
Squat with Compound Movement - Week 2 of 6!
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
Banded Rig shoulder opener
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
12 PVC Pass-thrus
9 Dbl KB Front Squats (FS)
6 Dbl KB Push Press
3 Single KB Windmills (3 per side)
17-20 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
Squat Complex (E2MOM12):
From Rack: 2 Barbell Back Squats (BS) + 2 Barbell FS
Expect athlete to re-rack the bar, transition to front rack position and take the bar off the rack for second half of each set.
Intended Stimulus - Build in weight throughout. Looking for unbroken reps of 2 (no rest between one rep and the next rep). Goal in first half is to push the range of motion and quality reps. Goal for second half is to push the weight while maintaining those quality reps.
34-37 - transition and set-up for Metcon
38-48 -
For time, 10 min cap:
15 Dbl DB Thrusters (<20s/35s/50s)
10 Lateral Burpees over DBs
12 Dbl DB Thrusters
8 Lateral Burpees over DBs
9 Dbl DB Thrusters
6 Lateral Burpees over DBs
6 Dbl DB Thrusters
4 Lateral Burpees over DBs
3 Dbl DB Thrusters
2 Lateral Burpees over DBs
Lateral Burpees should be two foot takeoff and two foot landing to count if doing full Rx. Step over is OK if modifying at all.
Intended stimulus - Should be very tired at the end of this Metcon. 45 Thrusters plus 30 burpees are no joke! Hoping for athletes to find a pace that is sustainable for them, allowing them to finish the workout without “crashing.”
Pro tips - Looking for glutes firing, proud torso, and knees out during the squat portion of the thruster. Elbows locked, bicep next to ear, weight directly over head at top of Thruster rep. Just over 8 reps a minute will get you in on time. Math comes out to one rep every 8 seconds - so challenge the weight but make it doable!
49-53 - clean up
54-60 - Recovery
Massage gun on quads - 3 min per side
Day 2
0-12 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
13-19 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
4 Inchworm Press-ups
8 Single KB Inverted Press (4 per arm)
8 Single KB Windmills (4 per arm)
8 Single Arm KB Thrusters (4 per arm)
20-22 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
16 minutes, continue to cycle through two movements
8 Dbl KB Z-press
Seated strict press - cross legs in criss-cross applesauce or only extend one leg if you are not to full leg extension on both legs yet.
8 Dbl DB Bench Press
Intended Stimulus - Choose a weight that is heavy and challenging, but not so much so that the later reps in each set start to get sloppy. Add an active hold (slight pause) at the top and the bottom of each rep for extra credit.
36-38 - transition and set-up for EMOM
39-51 -
16 Flutter Kicks (16 per leg)
8 Plate Bent Over Rows (<25/35/45)
:40 Overhead Plate hold
Intended Stimulus - Ideally use same the plate for the Overhead hold and Bent Over Rows, therefore the rows should feel heavy!
52-53 - clean up
54-60 - Recovery
Trap Smash with Barbell - 3 min per side.
Day 3
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Day 4
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
8 Weighted GMs
8 DB Single Arm Tempo Strict Press (4 per arm)
8 Single Leg Glute Bridges with 3 second pause (4 per leg)
8 Down-dog with Feet Pedals (8 per foot)
17-21 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
16 minutes, cycle through two movements, both in a pyramid
Nordic Hamstring Curls
Sandbag Clean + Push Press (25/50/75+)
Alternate Shoulders each time
Intended Stimulus - Goal is 8 rounds. Only go to a depth on the nordics where you don’t compromise positioning (maintain a neutral spine and straight line from shoulder to knee). Sandbag cleans should be heavy enough on the press that athlete needs to use the dip of the push press to get it overhead.
39-42 - transition and set-up for Metcon
43-53 -
Partner Workout, time cap 10 min:
10 Partner Sled Pulls (95/185/225)
100 Partner Wall Ball shots to target (10/14/20)
10 Partner Sled Pulls
Intended Stimulus - Upper back and lats firing on those sled pulls. Want pulls this week to be DYNAMIC, meaning similar to a ring row but horizontal. Load up with extended arms but shoulders never seep forward. On WB shots, find a methodical pace for you and your partner. If you and a partner can achieve 20 per minute, you’re done after 5 minutes of work.
54-55 - clean up
56-60 - Recovery
Legs up the wall, 2 min per side
Day 5
0-12 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
13-19 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
8 Thoracic Spine Rotations (4 per side)
6 Bird Dogs (3 per side)
4 Dbl DB Cleans
6 Dbl DB Squats
8 Dbl DB Push Press
20-24 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
Back Rack Four-Position Lunges (<45/75/95+)
Forward Lunge (Left) + Forward Lunge (Right) + Reverse Luge (Left) + Reverse Lunge (Right)
6 sets of 4 reps, one rep is the entire 4-position complex (so each set is 16 lunges)
41-44 - transition and set-up for Metcon
45-55 -
Modified “Double Isabel”
60 Barbell Snatches for time (<45/75/95+)
Intended stimulus - Go light enough to finish within 10 minutes. 6 reps a minute, one every 10 seconds. This is meant to be a heart rate up, quick hitter. Not a punch you in the face workout. People will want to go heavier than they should, so again…reduce the weight to come in on time.
56-60 - Recovery
Pigeon Stretch - 2 min per side
Day 6
0-12 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
Drill KB Snatch
13-19 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
8 Single KB Clean (4 per side)
8 Single KB Snatch (4 per side)
2 Single KB TGU (1 per side)
20-22 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
23-24 - Warm-up a few KB Snatches, heavier than the warm-up previously.
20 Sit-ups
16 KB Snatches (8 per arm) (<25/35/44+)
12 Plate Ground-to-overhead (G2OH) (<25/35/45)
8 Pull-ups/Ring Rows (feet 2’ out/elevated/strict)
400m run
Intended Stimulus - Goal is to hit 5+ rounds. Snatches don’t have to be unbroken nor alternating, but should be done in at MOST 2 sets per arm. Plate G2OH should be unbroken. Use the first half of the run as a recovery to bring down the breathing and heart rate, second half to push the pace if you have fuel left in the tank.
56-60 - Recovery
T-spine Smash on Lax Ball - 2 minutes per side.
Roll out Bottom of foot on Lax Ball - 3 min per foot.
Day 7
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Acronym List:
BS = Barbell Back Squat
DB = Dumbell
DL = Deadlift
EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute
FS = Front Squat
G2OH = Ground-to-overhead
GM = Good Morning
HSPU = Hand Stand Push-ups
KB = Kettlebell
MBC = Med Ball Cleans
MetCon = Metabolic Conditioning
OHS = Overhead Squat
PVC = polyvinyl chloride - mobility tool (white plastic plumbing pipe)
QOTD = Question of the Day
RDL = Romanian Deadlift
RFT = Rounds for Time
SDL = Sumo Deadlift
SDLHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
TGU = Turkish Get-up
TTB = Toes-to-Bar
WB = Wall Ball
Legal stuff:
Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts