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- 2024.07.22 - Training This Week
2024.07.22 - Training This Week
Programming for week starting July 22nd, 2024
Hi all, happy stormy Sunday.
Disclaimer: Folks from my Barbell classes - Monday programming for Barbell corresponds to “Day 1” and Wednesday programming for Barbell corresponds to “Day 4.”
All other Days reflect my own personal training schedule, and do not reflect any gym’s or facility’s workouts - past or present.
Please do not expect to see these workouts (Except for “Day 1” and “Day 4”) in a gym or facility unless you and I have coordinated specifically to run through these workouts together.
Let’s get into it.
Day 1
Squat with Compound Movement - Week 4 of 6!
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
PVC Flow
Unweighted cossack squats
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
6 Single KB Windmills (3 per side)
8 PVC Around the Worlds (4 per direction)
10 PVC Overhead Squats
17-20 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
21-27 -
Snatch Complex warmup:
1. Bar/PVC SWGDL + Triple Extension
2. Ankle Mobility
3. Bar/PVC Hang Power Snatch
4. Alt. Reverse Lunges
5. Bar/PVC Snatch Balance
6. 90/90 (aka shin box) Hip Opener
Intended Stimulus - Snatch Balance should be caught slightly lower on every rep, ideally in full squat by the end of the 60 seconds. None of the barbell/PVC minutes need to be unbroken.
28-31 - transition and set-up for workout
32-50 -
Barbell/PVC Snatches (10 Hang Power + OHS/ 8 Hang Squat/ 6 Squat)
Wall sit (:30 / :40 unweighted / :40 weighted)
10 Z-press (<15s / 20s / 25s+)
10 Leg Lifts (hands under tailbone / no hands / weight overhead)
Intended Stimulus - Make the snatches as challenging as possible on the MOVEMENT and RANGE OF MOTION. A little weight will go a long way. 10 reps are a lot on the seated press (Z-press). Quality over weight. We will track the count of snatches in the barbell portion for a score.
51-54 - clean up
55-60 - Recovery
Foam Roll glutes - 2.5 min per side
Day 2
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
8 Unweighted windmills (4 per arm)
8 Forward Lunge + Overhead Reach (4 per leg)
8 Dbl DB Strict Press
:30 Updog/down dog flow
17-20 - Debrief / transition / explain workout
S2OH Complex:
3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk
First 8 minutes - build up to 50% of 1RM Push Press
Next 20 minutes - E2MOM of the above complex, add 5 or 10lbs each round.
Intended Stimulus - Should not look forward to the last few rounds. Challenge the weight accordingly! Use the second dip on the Push Jerk to move the weight you otherwise could not move if you had to do 8 straight push presses.
50-53 - clean up
54-60 - Recovery
Lat stretch with bands - 3 min. per side.
Day 3
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Day 4
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
PVC Chest opener
11-17 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
4 Dbl DB Deadlifts
4 Dbl DB Cleans
4 Dbl DB Front Squats
4 Dbl DB Push Press
:30 Updog/down dog flow
18-21 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
EMOM30: Modified “Kalsu”
Start with Barbell Thrusters, remaining time in minute: AMRAP Push-ups
Barbell Thruster Weight (35 / 65 / 95+)
Barbell Thruster Rep Scheme Each Round (2 or 3/ 3 or 4/ 5+)
Push-up variations (Back-pack or elevated Push-Ups / regular toe Push-Ups / Hand Release Push-ups)
Intended Stimulus - Goal is to keep the thruster rep count the same for every single round. Use the push-ups to catch your breath and compose yourself for the next minute. Legs and lungs will be smoked after this, that’s the goal!
53-55 - clean up
56-60 - Recovery
Quad smash with foam roller, 2 min. per side
Day 5
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
11-17 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
:30 Jump Rope
8 KB Russian Swings
8 Half Burpees
4 Forward Lunges (2 per leg)
4 Reverse Lunges (2 per leg)
18-21 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
For time:
Jump Rope (140 Single-unders / 70 Double-unders / 140 Double-unders)
35 KB American Swings (<35 / 44 / 53+)
35 Burpee to target (Half Burpee, <6” / Full Burpee, 6” / Full Burpee, >6”)
35 Sandbag Reverse Lunges (<25 / 50 / 75+)
:90 rest
35 Sandbag Reverse Lunges (<25 / 50 / 75+)
35 Burpee to target (Half Burpee, <6” / Full Burpee, 6” / Full Burpee, >6”)
35 KB American Swings (<35 / 44 / 53+)
Jump Rope (140 Single-unders / 70 Double-unders / 140 Double-unders)
Intended Stimulus - a good goal is to finish under 24 minutes. Time cap is 30 minutes. Pick a weight for the swings that you can do in two sets or less. Sandbag reverse lunges are Left + Right = 2.
53-54 - clean up
55-60 - Recovery
Glute Smash on Foam Roller - 2.5 min per side
Day 6
0-12 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
World’s Greatest Stretch
Banded Pull-aparts
13-19 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
200m run
50 foot crab walk
6 Tuck-ups / V-ups
6 Single DB Hang Power Snatches
20-22 - Debrief / transition / explain workout
23-25 - Warm-up a few DB Devil’s Press at working weight, try your dips station.
4 Alternating Single DB Devil’s Press (4 PER ARM)
8 dips (Box Toe Assisted/ Ring Assisted / Ring)
10 TTB Variation (:30 Active Bar Hang/ 5 Strict Hanging Knee Raises / 10 TTB)
Cardio Machine (12 cal / 15 cal / 18 cal)
Intended Stimulus - Goal is to hit 6+ rounds. Devil’s Press is all about keeping the hips below the shoulders on the snap back. Challenge the dips today. Try and do as many as you can unassisted or with minimal assistance instead of defaulting straight to full assistance.
53-55 - clean up
56-60 - Recovery
Floor Angels with Lax ball, 2 min per side
Day 7
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside is cool! Go do it!
Acronym List:
BS = Barbell Back Squat
DB = Dumbell
DL = Deadlift
EMOM = Every Minute on the Minute
FS = Front Squat
G2OH = Ground-to-overhead
GM = Good Morning
HSPU = Hand Stand Push-ups
KB = Kettlebell
MBC = Med Ball Cleans
MetCon = Metabolic Conditioning
OHS = Overhead Squat
PVC = polyvinyl chloride - mobility tool (white plastic plumbing pipe)
QOTD = Question of the Day
RDL = Romanian Deadlift
RFT = Rounds for Time
SDL = Sumo Deadlift
SDLHP = Sumo Deadlift High Pull
SWGDL = Snatch Width Grip Deadlift
TGU = Turkish Get-up
TTB = Toes-to-Bar
WB = Wall Ball
Legal stuff:
Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts