2024.08.19 - AT-HOME Training This Week

AT-HOME Programming for week starting August 19th, 2024

Hi all, happy Sunday!

Welcome to all the new folks who are joining us. For the benefit of new folks, here are some pointers for navigating these weekly programming emails. I won’t include this every week but since we have so many new faces it makes sense to do so this week:

  1. I program 5 days a week, with two built-in rest days.

  2. The programs are organized in periodization cycles, a.k.a. “blocks” or “progressions.” For example, this week we are on week 2 of 6 of a shoulder-to-overhead strength cycle.

  3. Programming is G.P.P. - General Physical Preparedness - so it incorporates full body, functional movements that are resistance training focused with a cardiovascular component built in.

  4. Where appropriate, I add three tracks (or three options) for each movement. These tracks are suggestions and are meant to give direction more than to be followed verbatim. Use them as a guide!

    1. First is the “Move” track - for folks who just want to move and sweat a little / may not be super experienced yet / feel very tired / potentially sore or injured / etc.

    2. Second is the “Work” track - for folks who feel ready to go get it and want to get a good sweat on, but may not be extremely experienced or who may not lift very heavy generally.

    3. Third is the “Train” track - for the competitive, fire-breathing, heavy lifting types or the more experienced folks who are confident they are up to the challenge.

A Quick Note:

Please do not expect to see these workouts in a gym or facility. These workouts are designed to be performed at home with minimal equipment.

Assumptions on equipment available at home includes:

- A couple sets of DBs

- A plyo box to step up onto

- A Jump Rope


Here’s the At-Home program for the third full week of August. Let’s get into it.

Day 1 

Week 2 of 6 of the Shoulder-to-Overhead strength cycle!

  • Mobility

    • Stretchy squats (bottom of squat + movement)

    • Windmills

  • Warm-up - complete 4 rounds of…

  • Strength:

    • In 15 minutes, complete 5 rounds of:

    • Off-time - :25 Dbl DB Farmer’s Carry (<35s / 40s / 50s+)

    • Intended Stimulus - Farmer’s Carry is short, so use heavier DBs there than on the Dbl DB Front Rack Split Squats. Dbl DB Front Rack Split Squats can be performed as a Bulgarian Split Squat if you desire (with rear foot elevated). 4 per leg is lower volume, but this movement is taxing nonetheless! Take it slow both directions for extra burn and bigger bang for your buck.

    • Log weights used for both movements for each round.

  • MetCon:

    • E:30OM13 (Every 30 seconds for 13 minutes)

      • Complete 4 Dbl DB Thrusters each round (<25s / 35s / 50s+)

      • IMPORTANT: Start each round from the ground

    • Intended Stimulus - this is a total of 104 reps. Start lighter for the first three minutes, try and keep the last ten minutes at the same weight. Push the weight ONLY to the point where you can still reach your full squat depth and show control with a pause in the overhead position.

    • Log the weight you used in the last 10 minutes.

  • EXTRA CREDIT - Accessory:

    • 3 Rounds:

    • Intended Stimulus - Optional today, if you have time. Arms shaky by the end. Don’t forget to breathe while in the overhead hold.

  • Recovery

    • T-spine smash with Lax Ball - 2 min. per side

    • Trap smash with Lax Ball - 1 min. per side

Day 2

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Strength:

    • Complete 7 rounds of Dbl DB Suitcase 1 ¾ Deadlifts (<30s / 40s / 50s+)

    • Complete the Deadlifts in the following rep scheme

      • 7-7-6-6-5-5-4

    • Off-time - 8 “Tough For You” Push-ups (from knees / Hand-Release / Deficit Push-ups)

    • Intended Stimulus - The Push-ups always stay at 8 reps. The Dbl DB Suitcase 1 ¾ Deadlifts are meant to be slow, controlled, and with the DBs hovering right above the ground in the middle of each rep. Start and end from the ground on that movement. Push the weight only to where you can keep your back in a neutral position (no curve in the upper back).

    • Log the weight used on the Dbl DB Suitcase 1 ¾ Deadlifts for the last round. Enter the type of push-ups performed in the notes.

  • MetCon:

    • AMRAP15 (As many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes)

      • 12 Single DB Goblet Reverse Lunges (6 per leg) (<25 / 35 / 50+)

      • 6 Burpees (half burpees / full burpees / full strict burpees)

      • 50 skips of the jump rope (or 50 lateral jumps over a target)

    • Intended Stimulus - Work toward reaching full depth on the reverse lunges if you can (back knee hovers directly above the ground or slightly touches the ground). Avoid smashing your knee into the ground. If you choose do to the track with strict burpees, make sure to include a push-up at the bottom of the rep. The other two tracks’ burpees do not include a push-up. Aim for 6+ rounds.

    • Log number of rounds and reps. Note the weight of the reverse lunges in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Foam Roll Hamstrings - 2 min. per side

    • Foam Roll Glutes - 2 min. per side

Day 3

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Day 4

  • Mobility:

    • 12 Arm Circles (12 forward and 12 reverse)

    • World’s Greatest Stretch + Hamstring Stretch

  • Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Strength:

    • In 18 minutes, complete 6 rounds of 8 Single DB Push Press (8 per arm) (<25s / 35s / 50s+)

      • Work up in weight throughout if form allows.

    • Off-time - 6 Light Tempo Dbl DB Straight Leg Deadlifts (5 second descent) (<10s / 15s / 20s)

    • Intended Stimulus - Single DB Push Press should be heavier than the DBs used on the Straight Leg Deadlifts. On the Push Press, use your legs to drive up and overhead, arms finish the job the legs started to get to full lockout. Straight Leg Deadlifts should be light today, they serve as active recovery and engaging the hamstrings and lower back, so take it easy.

    • Log the heaviest weight used on the Single DB Push Press. Note any imbalances between arms, if applicable, in the notes.

  • Stability:

    • For as many quality rounds as you can fit in (3+ rounds)

      • 12 Tempo “On-end” Single DB Strict Press - 5 seconds per direction (6 per arm) (5 / 10 / 15)

      • 12 Glute Bridges (12 on both legs / 6 per leg unweighted / 6 per leg with 10+ lbs on hips)

      • :20 Elbow Side Plank Side A

      • :20 Elbow Side Plank Side B

    • Intended Stimulus - Slow and controlled on the Tempo Single DB Strict Press. Those are performed “On-end,” so where one side (one bell) of the DB is held in the palm of your hand, the other side pointing to the sky. You’ll get more out of the Glute Bridges if you slow down the descent back to the ground.

    • Log the number of rounds completed

  • Recovery

    • Child’s Pose with thread the needle - 2 min. per side

Day 5

  • Warm-up - 4 rounds

  • Strength:

    • In 12 minutes, complete 6 rounds of…

      • 6 Dbl DB Bent Over Rows - Tempo’d: Fast up, 5 seconds down (<15s / 25s / 35s+)

      • :30 Wall Sit (Hands on Knees / Holding weight in bear hug / Holding Hands Overhead)

    • Intended Stimulus - build up in weight throughout on the Dbl DB Bent Over Rows. Also for the Bent Over Rows, try not to “urge the weight up” with your torso by “jumping” as you row. Isolate the row to come only from your back muscles by driving the DBs straight up into a locked in torso.

    • Log the heaviest set of Dbl DB Bent Over Rows

  • Capacity:

    • Accumulate as many quality rounds as time allows (at least 4)

      • 12 Dbl DB Suitcase Walking Lunges (6 per leg) (<25s / 35s / 50s+)

      • 12 Single DB Weighted Step-ups (6 per leg) (<25 / 35 / 50+)

    • Intended Stimulus - The intent of the day is to spend as much effort as time allows on the Capacity portion, building up our leg endurance. Pick one weight for each movement and stick with it as long as you can. If mobility allows, try to lightly graze the ground with your back knee on the Walking Lunges. Also on the walking lunges, keep that torso up and proud!

    • Log total rounds and reps completed at your working weight. Add that weight for each movement in notes.

  • Recovery

    • Couch Stretch - 1.5 min per side

    • Foam Roll Glutes - 2 min. per side

Day 6

  • Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…

  • Longer Workout Day!

    • For 6, 4-minute rounds - cycle through the following:

    • Intended Stimulus - Rest is built in but it is SHORT. So this will be a good test to see if you can pace yourself appropriately throughout the workout to push it right to the 4-minute mark, and then take a little recovery. Shoot for 9+ rounds (so 1.5 rounds every 4 minutes).

    • Log total rounds and reps completed. Note the DB weights in the notes.

  • Recovery

    • Pec Smash on Orb or Lax Ball - 1.5 min. per side

    • Foam Roll Glutes - 2.5 min. per side

Day 7

Rest Day

  • Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.

  • Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.

  • Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.

  • Some is better than none.

  • Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!

Legal stuff:

Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts


or to participate.