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- 2024.08.26 - GYM Training This Week
2024.08.26 - GYM Training This Week
GYM Programming for week starting August 26th, 2024
Hi all,
Here’s the Gym program for the last week of August!
Let’s get into it.
Day 1
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
10 Arm Circles (10 per direction)
10 Arm Swings (10 per direction)
10 Bird Dogs w/ 2-second hold at top (5 per direction)
10 Thread the Needles (5 per direction)
11-16 - Warm-up - complete 4 rounds of…
8 Empty Barbell Strict Press
8 Tuck-ups
8 Side-to-Side Lunges (4 per direction)
17-20 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
21-45 - Strength:
In 24 minutes, complete 8 rounds of:
2 Barbell Strict Press + 4 Barbell Push Press (with 5-second descent)
Off-time - Hollow Hold on Rings (<:15 / :20 / :30+)
Intended Stimulus - increase weight throughout as form allows (core stays braced, you can show control in the full lock-out with bar above crown of head, you can maintain the 5-second descent). 5-second descent applies just to the Push Press. Really tap into the legs ONLY on the Push Press.
46-47 - transition and set-up for stability
48-58 - Stability:
Accumulate as many quality rounds as you can in remaining time (at least 3 rounds):
Bottom of Push-up Hold (<10 seconds / 10 seconds / 15 seconds+)
:30 Dbl KB Front Rack Hold (<26s / 35s / 44s+)
10 Unweighted Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (5 per side)
Intended Stimulus - Hover chest just off the floor on the bottom of push-up hold (can also do these from your knees). The Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs) should be SLOW as molasses. Slow down and slow up, at least a three count per direction at a minimum.
Log weight used on the Dbl KB Front Rack Hold, adding in the note the number of rounds completed.
59-60 - Recovery
Floor Angels with Lax Ball - 1 min. per side
Day 2
0-8 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
Deep Squat with arm rotation overhead
9-14 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
10 Reverse Jackknives (5 per side)
10 Air Squats
10 Half Burpees
15-17 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
18-36 - Strength
In 18 minutes, complete 6 rounds of:
10* Back Rack Forward Lunges (5 per leg) (<45 / 75 / 105+)
*Every round, increase the reps by 2 (one more per leg)
Off-time - 8 Strict Dips (toe-assisted on box / banded on rings / rings)
Intended Stimulus - Can also opt to do walking lunges at the same rep scheme if you desire. Slow and controlled, with the lead foot taking 80% of your weight. Step back out of the forward lunge by driving off of your lead heel. Legs shaky and taxed by the end of each round. Only ascend in weight if you can keep the back knee from collapsing into the floor (gently touch knee the ground if you can get that low on the lunge). Dips always stay at 8 reps.
Log weights used for the sixth (and final) round of forward lunges.
37-40 - transition and set-up for workout
41-53 - AMRAP12
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes)
14 Toes-to-Bar Variation (hanging knee raises / knees to elbows / toes to bar)
12 Push-ups (from knees / from toes / Hand-Release)
10 Front Squats (<45 / 65 / 95+)
Intended Stimulus - Slow and controlled on all three movements. Slight pause to show control in the top and bottom of the Push-ups and Squats. Aim to minimize time standing around, but instead try to build in rest time via your PACE. Stretch goal is 5+ rounds.
Log rounds and reps. Add your push-up variation and weight for Front Squats in your notes.
54-55 - clean up
56-60 - Recovery
Couch Stretch - 1 min. per side
Foam Roll Quads - 1 min. per side
Day 3
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!
Day 4
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
10 Single DB Windmills (5 per arm)
8 Single DB Push Press (8 per arm)
6 Jumping Lunges (6 per leg)
4 Burpees
17-19 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
20-29 - Calisthenics / Gymnastics
In 9 minutes, complete 6 rounds (in the following rep scheme) of:
Handstand Push-up Variation (Pike Push-ups / Kipping HSPU / Strict HSPU)
Intended Stimulus - Use the first two rounds as a continuation of the warm-up, trying variations that work for you. Working to keep the torso as vertical as possible. Take note of how many mats or AbMats you used under yur head for your reps.
Log variation of HSPU you performed and total rep count at that variation.
30-32 - transition and set-up for workout
33-53 - EMOM20
(Every Minute on the Minute for 20 minutes)
Minute One - 6 Renegade Rows + Push-ups (<25s / 35s / 50s+)
Minute Two - :40 Dbl DB Farmer’s Carry (<25s / 35s / 50s+)
Minute Three - 12 Barbell Push Press (<55 / 85 / 115+)
Minute Four - As Many Jump Rope Skips as Possible
Minute Five - Rest full minute
Intended Stimulus - Fast then rest! Get your heart rate up each round and try to finish each movement within 40 seconds (except the jump rope - which is a full minute). Pick a weight on the Push Press where you really want to take a break during the set of 12 but can still make it through all 12 reps with solid form. One rest per round on the Push Press is OK, try to limit it while still pushing the weight, though!
Log total number of jump rope skips completed across all 20 minutes. Note the weights used on the weighted movements in the notes.
54-55 - clean up
56-60 - Recovery
Child’s Pose with thread the needle - 1.5 min. per side
Pigeon Stretch - 1 min. per side
Day 5
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
World’s Greatest Stretch + Arm Rotation to Sky
11-17 - Warm-up - 6 minutes, continue to cycle through…
10 Reverse Lunges (5 per leg)
10 Light Barbell Conventional Deadlifts
100m Run
18-23 - transition and set-up for workout
24-56 - AMRAP32
In 32 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
12 Barbell Conventional Deadlifts (<95 / 165 / 225+)
24 Jumping Lunges (12 per leg)
Run for distance (200m / 300m / 400m)
Intended Stimulus - switching up the longer workout day to Day 5 instead of Day 6 this week to keep things fresh. If jumping lunges are too intense, you’re encouraged to switch them out for forward or reverse lunges. Three of the four movements are high heart rate, so use the time during your run to assess your heart rate, slow it down, and recover (slower pace run). Shoot for 6+ rounds.
Log rounds and reps completed.
57-58 - clean up
59-60 - Recovery
Legs up the wall - 2 min
Day 6
0-10 - Dynamic Mobility and Intros / QOTD
11-16 - Warm-up - 5 minutes, continue to cycle through…
6 Tuck-ups
12 Forward Lunges (6 per leg)
6 Burpees
17-19 - Debrief / transition / explain workouts
20-35 - Capacity
In 15 minutes, complete as many QUALITY rounds and reps as possible. Take time to rest throughout.
2* Dbl DB Bent Over Rows (<20s / 30s / 40s+)
2* Push-ups (from knees / from toes / Hand-release)
2* Front Squats (<45 / 65 / 95+)
***IMPORTANT: Ascend the reps by ONE rep every round. Second round would be threes, third round would be fours, etc., etc.
Intended Stimulus - Build in your own rest. On the push-ups, start with a more challenging variation than you are used to (if you usually do knee push-ups, try as many from the toes as you can before moving to knees). This one will be a slog toward the end of the 15 minutes, so pace yourself early! Success looks like not having to stop to catch your breath too many times during the later part of the workout because you paced really well at the start!
Log the number of rounds and reps completed. Note push-up variation in the notes and when you switched to a different variation (if you switched).
36-38 - transition and set-up for accessory work
39-51 - Accessory
3+ rounds
12 Bent Over Flys with light weights (2 second tempo up, two second tempo down) (2.5s / 5s / 7.5s)
12 Unweighted Split Squats with 5 second static hover hold at the bottom (6 per leg)
12 Barbell Weighted Goodmornings (<15 / 20 / 25+)
52-53 - clean up
54-60 - Recovery
Pec Smash on Orb or Lax Ball - 1 min. per side
Massage Gun Glutes - 2 min. per side
Day 7
Rest Day
Try and fit in two to three walks of 1.0-1.5 miles apiece.
Another good option is a light jog / Stand-up paddle board / hike / slow bike / etc.
Mobility and/or restorative yoga are other great options on rest days.
Some is better than none.
Getting outside in any capacity is encouraged!
Legal stuff:
Participation in General Physical Preparedness exercises and related activities conducted - either in the spirit or letter of the programming in these posts - involves certain risks and potential dangers. We, our employees, representatives, affiliates, and agents are not to be held responsible for any claims, demands, liabilities, rights, damages, expenses, and causes of action of any nature arising out of or in connection with participation in the programming of these posts