
A new term for Manmakers

The term “Manmaker” - at least to me - conjures an image of Li Shang - the Army Commander in the Disney classic “Mulan.”

Li Shang, Chinese Army commander from Mulan

He leads his “men” through obstacles and across rough terrain, testing them physically and mentally, all the while the song “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” by Donny Osmond plays in the background.

But that’s just the thing. Li Shang is not just Making Men out of the Chinese Army. He’s making soldiers, and Mulan - the protagonist WOMAN - is among the best in Li’s army.

The three strongest people I know are all women, and they meet this criteria because strength does not simply equate to the physiological ability to move heavy sh*t. They’re hard working, tenacious, and never back down.

I define strength (honestly that’s what I believe the term manmakers is really getting at - building strength) as fortitude and tenacity. A physical, yes, but also a MENTAL toughness to overcome obstacles and see a task through.

Because of this, I think it’s disingenuous to equate building strength with making someone a man.

The generally accepted term “manmaker” - a Push-up, Row (left) + Row (Right) + Squat Clean Thruster with two dumbbells in your hands the whole time - is a test in mental fortitude. Especially when this movement crops up along others in a MetCon , it should strike some fear into your heart. Because you know if you’re pushing the weight and challenging yourself, life is about to suck.

This movement packs a punch, and it takes mental toughness to get through a workout whenever you see it.

Because of this, anytime a workout calls for this movement from now on, I’m calling it a “haymaker.”

It beats you to the ground and you gotta have the same mentality as the three strongest people in my life - all women. A don’t back down, never-give-up attitude.

Cheers to your new name - haymakers.


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