Mindfulness - a Definition Expanded

A broad definition of Mindfulness to expand your deep health.

Hi all, what a weekend!

Before we go there though, a confession. I’m going to break the rules of this page a little bit and talk about multiple topics at once - not just one. First, I’m going to define mindfulness narrowly, second I will define it broadly. Finally, I’ll jump into why I think the broad definition makes more sense for improving your personal health and wellness.

First, mindfulness narrowly defined speaks to SELF awareness. Being aware of your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and how all of these different parts of life intersect. Is what I am thinking helping or hindering my performance? Am I self-defeating or supportive? Are my actions impacting my mood?

Second, mindfulness more broadly defined. I see this as not only an awareness of self, but also an awareness of how other parts of life OUTSIDE OURSELVES impact our day-to-day. This expansive definition also includes aspects of life like being aware of how our environment, our social relationships, and our pursuit of a higher purpose are progressing.

This past week my mom had her 60th birthday - what a treat! As my family celebrated back home in the Midwest, I felt socially removed and a little isolated out here in Colorado. Luckily, Natalie’s mom flew out to visit us that very evening to go wedding dress shopping with Nat this weekend ((Natalie is my fiancée for those of you who don’t know).

The juxtaposition of these two situations reminded me of how lucky I was to have folks in life who helped me feel socially complete. Having familial connections - or even social connections more generally - has been a huge boost to my health and wellness.

During Covid when I realized this reality, I started to more thoughtfully place myself into situations where I would say “yes” to social interactions. No, I didn't go wedding dress shopping this weekend 😅. But having family around this weekend has been a huge boost nonetheless. 

This next week, ask yourself how you can more thoughtfully prioritize your mindfulness - the broad definition - not just the narrow definition. What are some social interactions you should say yes to, instead of declining?

Until next time -

Yours in Health,



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